Exchange rate Ugandan Shilling EUR/UGX
- Last quote3.840,4024
- Last quote (time)18:09
- Difference-3,2614
- Difference %-0,08%
- Open3.843,6638
- Close (previous trading day)3.843,6638
- Day High (delayed)3.843,6914
- Day Low (delayed)3.840,3777
- Year High4.286,6270
- Year Low 3.840,3777
Historical exchange rate Ugandan Shilling (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 22-02-20253843,663781
- 21-02-20253844,159659
- 20-02-20253855,655894
- 19-02-20253837,067405
- 18-02-20253843,609881
- 17-02-20253858,087449
- 16-02-20253848,493090
Ugandan Shilling (UGX) exchange rate
1 UGX = Units | 1 Unit = UGX | |
US Dollar | 0,0003 | 3.669,8809 |
British Pound | 0,0002 | 4.635,2467 |
Euro | 0,0003 | 3.840,4024 |
Japanese Yen | 0,0406 | 24,5824 |
Swiss Franc | 0,0002 | 4.086,7950 |
Ugandan Shilling Euro
Use the exchange rate calculator to calculate the Ugandan Shilling in relation to other currencies on The Ugandan Shilling was introduced in 1966 and replaced the East African Shilling. It is a fairly stable currency. Uganda has a favorable foreign exchange market; you can usually also pay with the US dollar, British pound and the Euro. Although the Euro can be paid in some places, it is still useful to have Ugandan Shillings in your pocket. To insure the latest exchange rate Ugandan Shilling Euro, the most recent data is used to convert Ugandan Shillings to Euros. In the exchange rate calculator the value Ugandan Shilling can be calculated in relation to other currencies.
Did you know
You pay in Uganda with the Ugandan Shilling? The official abbreviation for this is UGX. One Shilling is one hundred Cents, but the Cent is no longer used due to inflation. The following coins are used: 50, 100, 200 and 500 Shillings. Banknotes are available is bills of 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000 and 50,000 Shillings. The exchange rate Ugandan Shilling to Euro can be followed here daily. The conversion of Uganda Shilling to Euro is possible at