Exchange rate Taiwan Dollar EUR/TWD
- Last quote34,1760
- Last quote (time)12:43
- Difference0,0445
- Difference %0,13%
- Open34,1316
- Close (previous trading day)34,1316
- Day High (delayed)34,2287
- Day Low (delayed)34,1073
- Year High35,8232
- Year Low 34,1073
Historical exchange rate Taiwan Dollar (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 04-02-202534,131590
- 03-02-202534,080455
- 02-02-202533,758982
- 01-02-202534,138152
- 31-01-202534,138152
- 30-01-202534,260894
- 29-01-202534,312918
Taiwan Dollar (TWD) exchange rate
1 TWD = Units | 1 Unit = TWD | |
US Dollar | 0,0305 | 32,8210 |
British Pound | 0,0243 | 41,1467 |
Euro | 0,0293 | 34,1760 |
Japanese Yen | 4,6549 | 0,2148 |
Swiss Franc | 0,0275 | 36,3789 |
Taiwan Dollar
The Taiwan Dollar is the second version of the currency issued by Taiwan. In 1949 the new Taiwan dollar replaced the old one with a ratio of 1: 40,000. 1949 is also the year that Taiwan became independent from China. The Taiwan Dollar exchange rate was plummeted by hyperinflation. That was a direct result of the conflict with China. The exchange rate of the Taiwan Dollar with the American Dollar fluctuated over the years.
Convert Taiwan Dollar to euro.
The conversion of the Taiwan Dollar to Euro can easily be done via the calculator on The calculator always has the correct price Taiwan Dollar, so you are always assured of the correct value Taiwan Dollar if you are going to exchange. Also converting the Taiwan Dollar to other currencies is easy with the calculator.
Did you know
The Taiwan Dollar is the official currency of Taiwan. A dollar consists of one hundred cents, as in the American version. The Taiwan Dollar was renewed in 1949, in the official banking system the currency is still referred to as a new Taiwan Dollar. The paper money consists of: 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 Dollars. The coins consist of: 50 Cents (almost no longer in use), 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Dollars. The international abbreviation used to designate the new Taiwan Dollar is TWD.