EUR/THB -0,05%

Exchange rate Thai Baht EUR/THB

  • Last quote35,1049
  • Last quote (time)12:53
  • Difference-0,0174
  • Difference %-0,05%
  • Open35,1223
  • Close (previous trading day)35,1223
  • Day High (delayed)35,1223
  • Day Low (delayed)35,1019
  • Year High39,9294
  • Year Low 35,1019

Historical exchange rate Thai Baht (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-202535,122325
  • 21-02-202535,119532
  • 20-02-202535,228031
  • 19-02-202535,044232
  • 18-02-202535,211464
  • 17-02-202535,322005
  • 16-02-202535,397064

Thai Baht (THB) exchange rate

1 THB = Units 1 Unit = THB
US Dollar 0,0298 33,5464
British Pound 0,0236 42,3708
Euro 0,0285 35,1049
Japanese Yen 4,4502 0,2247
Swiss Franc 0,0268 37,3574

About the Thailand Baht (THB)

The exchange rate of the Thai baht was based on the silver standard until 1902. This rate was less stable compared to the gold standard. The Thailand bath disappeared during the Second World War and the Japanese yen became the official currency. Later the Thai Baht returned and was linked to the US dollar. Thailand was hit hard by the 1997 economic crisis in Asia, but the economy has since recovered. The value of the Thailand bath is also highly dependent on the exchange rate of the US dollar.

Thailand baht euro conversion

destination. It doesn't hurt to convert Thailand bath to the euro or dollar before leaving Thailand. The calculator assist you with calculating the exact exchange rate.

Thailand Baht (THB) Wiki

The Thailand baht is the currency of Thailand. The official abbreviation is THB. The following banknotes are in circulation: 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 baht. There are various versions of the different notes. Coins appear in the values: 25 and 50 satang and 1, 2, 5 and 10 baht. 1 baht is 100 satang. When the euro was introduced in 2002, the 10 baht and 2 euro coins were very similar. Some machines could not distinguish themselves.