EUR/SYP 0,00%

Exchange rate Syrian Pound EUR/SYP

  • Last quote13.605,9355
  • Last quote (time)18:11
  • Difference-0,0976
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open13.606,0332
  • Close (previous trading day)13.606,0332
  • Day High (delayed)13.606,0332
  • Day Low (delayed)13.601,0474
  • Year High14.241,7864
  • Year Low 13.601,0474

Historical exchange rate Syrian Pound (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-202513606,033167
  • 21-02-202513605,910086
  • 20-02-202513651,683036
  • 19-02-202513548,533568
  • 18-02-202513584,184107
  • 17-02-202513631,686093
  • 16-02-202513638,788158

Syrian Pound (SYP) exchange rate

1 SYP = Units 1 Unit = SYP
US Dollar 0,0001 13.001,8592
British Pound 0,0001 16.421,9968
Euro 0,0001 13.605,9355
Japanese Yen 0,0114 87,1188
Swiss Franc 0,0001 14.478,9332

Syrian Pound

Syria was a growing economy until a few years ago. Since 2011, however, there has been a violent civil war in the country. Until then, the Syrian pound was a very stable currency. But since the outbreak of the civil war, the Syrian pound has plummeted considerably.

Convert Syrian pound to euro

The value of Syrian pound varies because the currency is not directly linked is up to another strong currency. To convert an amount in euros to Syrian pounds, enter the amount into the exchange rate calculator at This simply calculates the amount with the correct price Syrian pound. This is very useful if you want to exchange the Syrian pound to euro or to other currencies.

Did you know

The Syrian pound is known in international payments under the abbreviation SYP. The pound is subdivided into piasters, but they are no longer in use. Syria became independent in 1921, followed by a noisy period in the Middle East where Syria was often involved in conflicts. Since 2011 a civil war rages in the country. The price of Syrian pound has suffered. The Syrian pound is in notes and coins. The coins are in 1, 5, 10 and 25 pounds. The paper money is available in 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 pounds.