Exchange rate Saudi Riyal EUR/SAR
- Last quote3,9244
- Last quote (time)17:49
- Difference0,0000
- Difference %0,00%
- Open3,9244
- Close (previous trading day)3,9244
- Day High (delayed)3,9246
- Day Low (delayed)3,9222
- Year High4,2052
- Year Low 3,9222
Historical exchange rate Saudi Riyal (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 22-02-20253,924399
- 21-02-20253,924682
- 20-02-20253,937986
- 19-02-20253,907661
- 18-02-20253,918032
- 17-02-20253,932123
- 16-02-20253,933909
Saudi Riyal (SAR) exchange rate
1 SAR = Units | 1 Unit = SAR | |
US Dollar | 0,2667 | 3,7502 |
British Pound | 0,2111 | 4,7367 |
Euro | 0,2548 | 3,9244 |
Japanese Yen | 39,7942 | 0,0251 |
Swiss Franc | 0,2395 | 4,1762 |
Saudi Arabia Rial
Saudi Arabia has the largest oil supply in the world. According to estimates, the reserves are large enough to sustain the next eighty years. Because of the large quantities of oil that is extracted, the export of Saudi Arabia is many times larger than the import. Due to the variable oil price, Saudi Arabia's earnings are highly dependent on the state of the world economy.
Convert Saudi rial to euro
For quick conversion of the Saudi rial to euro the exchange rate calculator can be used. So you do not have to look for what the ratio Saudi rial euro was again, because the calculator automatically uses the most recent price Saudi rial euro. The Saudi Rial value can also be easily calculated against other currencies.
Did you know
The Saudi rial is the currency of Saudi Arabia. The official abbreviation for the currency used in international trade is SAR. Coins can be obtained in the values 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 halatat. The currency of 1 halatat is hardly used anymore. 100 halatat is 1 rial. Banknotes exist in denominations 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 riyal. The price of the Saudi rial is linked to the US dollar with a $ 1 deal with 3.75 riyal.