Exchange rate Pakistani Rupee EUR/PKR
- Last quote292,4639
- Last quote (time)18:01
- Difference-0,1260
- Difference %-0,04%
- Open292,5899
- Close (previous trading day)292,5899
- Day High (delayed)292,5899
- Day Low (delayed)292,2707
- Year High312,2722
- Year Low 292,2707
Historical exchange rate Pakistani Rupee (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 22-02-2025292,589906
- 21-02-2025292,489013
- 20-02-2025293,322224
- 19-02-2025290,775006
- 18-02-2025291,427532
- 17-02-2025292,739304
- 16-02-2025291,934277
Pakistani Rupee (PKR) exchange rate
1 PKR = Units | 1 Unit = PKR | |
US Dollar | 0,0036 | 279,4779 |
British Pound | 0,0028 | 352,9948 |
Euro | 0,0034 | 292,4639 |
Japanese Yen | 0,5341 | 1,8721 |
Swiss Franc | 0,0032 | 311,2278 |
Pakstani Rupee Euro
The course Pakistani Rupee was linked to the US Dollar until 1982. Since then the Pakistani Rupee value has been gradually declining. The increase in the cost of raw materials has a major impact on the Pakistani Rupee exchange rate. The political crises in the country also contribute to the unfavorable climate and lower the value of the Pakistani Rupee.
Convert Pakistani Rupee to Euro
The ratio Pakistani Rupee Euro is variable. You can consult the currency overview for the most recent price. It is also possible to use the exchange rate calculator so that you can quickly convert an amount in Pakistani Rupee to other currencies. For example the Pakistani Rupee to Euro conversion. For this the most recent rate Pakistani Rupee Euro is used.
Did you know
The Pakistani Rupee is the currency of Pakistan. The official abbreviation for the currency used in international trade is PKR. Available coins are 1, 2 and 5 Rupees. 1 Rupee is 100 Paise, but this distribution is no longer used. Tickets can be obtained in the values 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1,000 and 5,000 Rupees. The currency is issued by the central bank of Pakistan. The word Rupee is derived from Sanskrit and means silver.