Exchange rate Panamese Balboa EUR/PAB
- Last quote1,0468
- Last quote (time)17:41
- Difference0,0000
- Difference %0,00%
- Open1,0468
- Close (previous trading day)1,0468
- Day High (delayed)1,0468
- Day Low (delayed)1,0461
- Year High1,1212
- Year Low 1,0461
Historical exchange rate Panamese Balboa (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 22-02-20251,046808
- 21-02-20251,046943
- 20-02-20251,049781
- 19-02-20251,042036
- 18-02-20251,044780
- 17-02-20251,048496
- 16-02-20251,045847
Panamese Balboa (PAB) exchange rate
1 PAB = Units | 1 Unit = PAB | |
US Dollar | 0,9997 | 1,0003 |
British Pound | 0,7915 | 1,2635 |
Euro | 0,9553 | 1,0468 |
Japanese Yen | 149,1852 | 0,0067 |
Swiss Franc | 0,8977 | 1,1140 |
Panamese Balboa
Panama owes a large part of its income to the Panama Canal. Channel manager ACP transfers a large part of its earnings to the government in the form of taxes and dividend. Major export products of the country are petroleum, steel, chemicals and agricultural products. More than a third of the population lives below the poverty line. Tourism in the country has been growing steadily in recent years.
Convert Panamanian balboa to euro
For the calculation of Panamanian balboa euro use must be made of the last course Panamanian Balboa euro. This can be found in the exchange rate overview. The Panamanian balboa euro ratio is equal to that of the Panamanian balboa US dollar value. The exchange rate Panamanian balboa can also be converted to other foreign currencies.
Did you know
The Panamanian balboa is the currency of Panama. There are coins of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 centime. American dollar bills are used as paper money. The price Panamanian balboa is linked 1 to 1 to that of the American dollar since 1903. In the international payment system the Guatemalan quetzal is abbreviated with the letters PAB. The exchange rate Panamanian Balboa therefore depends to a large extent on the economy of the United States. Panama has a traditional low inflation due to the link with the US dollar.