EUR/OMR 0,00%

Exchange rate Omani Rial EUR/OMR

  • Last quote0,4027
  • Last quote (time)18:20
  • Difference0,0000
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open0,4027
  • Close (previous trading day)0,4027
  • Day High (delayed)0,4029
  • Day Low (delayed)0,4027
  • Year High0,4314
  • Year Low 0,4027

Historical exchange rate Omani Rial (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-20250,402655
  • 21-02-20250,402655
  • 20-02-20250,404249
  • 19-02-20250,401184
  • 18-02-20250,402253
  • 17-02-20250,403656
  • 16-02-20250,403562

Omani Rial (OMR) exchange rate

1 OMR = Units 1 Unit = OMR
US Dollar 2,5989 0,3848
British Pound 2,0576 0,4860
Euro 2,4835 0,4027
Japanese Yen 387,8467 0,0026
Swiss Franc 2,3338 0,4285

Omani Rial

The standard of living in Oman is high because the country has large quantities of oil. The oil reserves are limited, so the question is how long the economy of the country can continue to benefit from this. Other sources of income are agriculture and industry. Especially in the industry, substantial investments are being made by the Omani government in order to gradually reduce the dependence on oil.

Convert Omani Rial to Euro

For the conversion of the Oman rial to Euro you can use the exchange rate calculator. This always uses the most recent price Omani Rial Euro, so you are assured of the correct ratio Omani Rial Euro. Also the value Omani Rial against other currencies can be calculated with the free calculator.

Did you Know

The Omani Rial is the currency of Oman. The abbreviation for this currency in international payment transactions is OMR. Coins are available in the values ​​5, 10, 25 and 50 baisa. Paper money can be obtained in the denominations 100, 200 and 500 Baisa and 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Rial. 1 Rial is 1000 Baisa. From 1973 to 1986, the Omanial rate was linked to the US Dollar. Now the currency is nowhere linked to and therefore variable. Globally the Omani Rial is considered one of the highest valued currencies.