EUR/NPR 0,00%

Exchange rate Nepalese Rupee EUR/NPR

  • Last quote144,6297
  • Last quote (time)18:11
  • Difference0,0004
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open144,6293
  • Close (previous trading day)144,6293
  • Day High (delayed)145,0510
  • Day Low (delayed)144,6293
  • Year High150,4788
  • Year Low 144,6293

Historical exchange rate Nepalese Rupee (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-2025144,629349
  • 21-02-2025144,647316
  • 20-02-2025145,458993
  • 19-02-2025144,923188
  • 18-02-2025145,238399
  • 17-02-2025145,675060
  • 16-02-2025145,070805

Nepalese Rupee (NPR) exchange rate

1 NPR = Units 1 Unit = NPR
US Dollar 0,0072 138,2084
British Pound 0,0057 174,5642
Euro 0,0069 144,6297
Japanese Yen 1,0797 0,9261
Swiss Franc 0,0065 153,9096

Nepalese Rupee

The Nepalese population is one of the poorest in the world. The biggest source of income is tourism because of the untouched nature and the mountains. Sustainable energy sales are also an important source of income for Nepal. The workforce is 80% employed in agriculture. The exchange rate Nepalese Rupee is reasonably stable due to the import of foreign currencies. That is why tourism is very important for the region. Further income is generated from the textile industry, agriculture and cement and brick production.

Convert Nepalese Rupee to Euro

Use the calculator on for a precise calculation of Nepalese Rupee to Euro. Enter an amount and will convert this with the last rate Nepalese Rupee Euro. The value Nepalese Rupee is about 1 euro is 95 Rupees. The international abbreviation also called ISO code for the Nepalese Rupee is NPR.

Did you know

The Nepalese Rupee or Rupee is the official currency of Nepal. A Rupee consists of a hundred Paisa. The Nepalese Rupee has both coins and notes. The coins consist of: 5, 10, 25 and 50 Paisa. There are also coins of 1 and 5 Rupees. Paper money is in the following values: 1,2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 Rupees. The course Nepalese Rupee experienced a limited fall in the late 1970s, but is stabilizing in the 1990s. The economy could benefit greatly from sustainable energy projects, but that is made difficult by political instability in the region.