EUR/MXN = 0,00%

Exchange rate Mexican Peso EUR/MXN

  • Last quote21,3837
  • Last quote (time)17:39
  • Difference0,0000
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open21,3837
  • Close (previous trading day)21,3837
  • Day High (delayed)21,3837
  • Day Low (delayed)21,3612
  • Year High22,1655
  • Year Low 21,3612

Historical exchange rate Mexican Peso (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-202521,383650
  • 21-02-202521,385639
  • 20-02-202521,324759
  • 19-02-202521,327475
  • 18-02-202521,160737
  • 17-02-202521,270771
  • 16-02-202521,311460

Mexican Peso (MXN) exchange rate

1 MXN = Units 1 Unit = MXN
US Dollar 0,0489 20,4343
British Pound 0,0387 25,8096
Euro 0,0468 21,3837
Japanese Yen 7,3032 0,1369
Swiss Franc 0,0439 22,7557

About the Mexican Peso (MXN)

The Mexican peso (MXN) was recognized as legal tender in the United States from 1792 to 1857. The Mexico peso exchange rate in 1792 was 1: 1 with the US dollar. However, the Mexico peso to dollar exchange rate fell quickly. After 1857, the Peso was therefore no longer a legally accepted means of payment in the US.

The Mexico peso was revalued in 1993. In that year the old Mexico peso was replaced by the new peso with an exchange rate of 1 to 1.000 Mexico peso from old to new. During the so-called tequila crises in 1994, the value of the currency dropped by 50% in a six month period. Many banks and companies were forced to file for bankruptcy. The economic crises in Mexico has not been solved by the revaluation of the peso.

Mexico peso to euro conversion

For many Europeans it is cheap to celebrate holidays in Mexico. The Mexico peso to euro exchange rate is particularly favorable for the euro. You can calculate the conversion from Mexico peso to euros quickly and easily via the calculator on With the calculator you are assured of the actual and correct exchange rate for Mexico peso euros.

Mexican Peso (MXN) Wiki

The peso is the original name of the eight real piece that was published by Spain. Mexico became independent in 1821. The coin issued by the government was made up of the golden escudo that had the same value as 16 silver reales. 2 pesos was therefore an escudo. During the nineteenth century, the Mexico Peso exchange rate was the most stable in South America. The Mexico peso value plummeted mainly in the 1970s due to the oil crises, after which the currency was revalued in 1993.