EUR/MOP = 0,00%

Exchange rate Macau Pataka EUR/MOP

  • Last quote8,3787
  • Last quote (time)17:49
  • Difference0,0000
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open8,3787
  • Close (previous trading day)8,3787
  • Day High (delayed)8,3787
  • Day Low (delayed)8,3711
  • Year High9,0075
  • Year Low 8,3711

Historical exchange rate Macau Pataka (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-20258,378667
  • 21-02-20258,379748
  • 20-02-20258,409815
  • 19-02-20258,344422
  • 18-02-20258,371804
  • 17-02-20258,401168
  • 16-02-20258,384759

Macau Pataka (MOP) exchange rate

1 MOP = Units 1 Unit = MOP
US Dollar 0,1249 8,0067
British Pound 0,0989 10,1128
Euro 0,1194 8,3787
Japanese Yen 18,6388 0,0536
Swiss Franc 0,1122 8,9163

Macau Pataka

The Macau Pataka was first introduced in 1901. The word Pataka is Portuguese for claw. Before the introduction Chinese, Mexican and Hong Kong silver coins were also used in Macau. With the arrival of the Portuguese Escudo, the currency was permanently linked to it in a ratio of 1 to 5.6 Escudo. In 1977 followed the link with the Hong Kong Dollar.

Convert Macau Pataka to Euro

For the calculation Macau Pataka Euro is used the most recent course Macau Pataka . So you are always assured of the latest stand so you know the correct value Macau Pataka. The price Macau Pataka in relation to other currencies can also be found. Press Macau Pataka and select the foreign currency of your choice. This way you can easily and quickly express the value Macau Pataka in other currencies.

Did you know

The Macau Pataka is the currency Macau, a special Chinese administrative region similar to Hong Kong. The official abbreviation used in international traffic is MOP. Coins that are used are: 10, 20 and 50 Avos and 1, 2, 5 and 10 Petaka. 1 pataca is 100 Avos. Paper money is available as 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 Pataka. The Macau Pataka is linked to the Hong Kong Dollar. The exchange rate Macau Pataka Hong Kong Dollar is fixed at 1.075 to 1.