EUR/LBP -0,03%

Exchange rate Lebanese Pound EUR/LBP

  • Last quote93.714,4417
  • Last quote (time)18:17
  • Difference-29,4582
  • Difference %-0,03%
  • Open93.743,8999
  • Close (previous trading day)93.743,8999
  • Day High (delayed)93.840,3067
  • Day Low (delayed)93.713,7256
  • Year High100.364,2011
  • Year Low 93.713,7256

Historical exchange rate Lebanese Pound (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-202593743,899880
  • 21-02-202593762,678602
  • 20-02-202594029,075322
  • 19-02-202593427,066490
  • 18-02-202592860,317537
  • 17-02-202593891,664502
  • 16-02-202593655,357282

Lebanese Pound (LBP) exchange rate

1 LBP = Units 1 Unit = LBP
US Dollar 0,0000 89.553,2393
British Pound 0,0000 113.110,2385
Euro 0,0000 93.714,4417
Japanese Yen 0,0017 599,8661
Swiss Franc 0,0000 99.726,8791

Lebanese Pound

Lebanon was long known as a popular holiday destination for the jet-set of Europe. The independence of 1958 was followed by a period of prosperity in which Beirut could compete with the Nice and Cannes. Meanwhile, the economy of Lebanon is growing. The rate of the Lebanese pound is supported by the Beirut stock exchange, which opened again in 1990. The Americans have a good sales market to Lebanon, which again benefits the exchange rate of the Lebanese pound.

Convert Lebanese Pound to Euro

Changing the Lebanese pound to euro is easy to do so via The calculator calculates the amount quickly and easily. So you are always assured of the most accurate rate of Lebanese pound. The Lebanese pound is stable, thanks to the stringent measures taken by the Lebanese bank, Lebanon has been virtually unscathed by the economic crises.

Did you know

The Lebanese pound is a currency that is called lira by the inhabitants. Previously, each pound was divided into piastres but due to inflation these have fallen into disuse. The coin was formed under the colonialism of the French. The exchange rate of the Lebanese pound has suffered greatly from inflation that raged from 1975 to 1990 during the civil war. The rate of the Lebanese pound stabilized in 1990. After 1990, a period of economic recovery followed until about 2000. The Lebanese government had to borrow a lot to restore the economy and infrastructure.