Exchange rate Indonesian Rupiah EUR/IDR
- Last quote17.059,4705
- Last quote (time)13:13
- Difference0,0000
- Difference %0,00%
- Open17.059,4705
- Close (previous trading day)17.059,4705
- Day High (delayed)17.063,9662
- Day Low (delayed)17.039,9977
- Year High17.763,6154
- Year Low 17.039,9977
Historical exchange rate Indonesian Rupiah (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 22-02-202517059,470501
- 21-02-202517059,470501
- 20-02-202517069,085907
- 19-02-202516997,084779
- 18-02-202516945,236202
- 17-02-202517013,516046
- 16-02-202516970,950875
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) exchange rate
1 IDR = Units | 1 Unit = IDR | |
US Dollar | 0,0001 | 16.302,1153 |
British Pound | 0,0000 | 20.590,3715 |
Euro | 0,0001 | 17.059,4705 |
Japanese Yen | 0,0092 | 109,2318 |
Swiss Franc | 0,0001 | 18.154,0914 |
About Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
The rate of the Indonesian rupiah euro is variable and in recent years a lot more stable than it has been. The value of the Indonesian rupiah fluctuated strongly in the second half of the twentieth century, with a low in 1997/1998 caused by the monetary crisis. In recent years a period of relative stabilization has taken place and the rupiah has become a stronger currency. The words rupiah and rupee are derived from the Sanskrit rupya which means silver. The Indonesian word perak was also used to indicate money.
Indonesian rupiah to euro
For the Indonesian rupiah euro conversion, the most recent Indonesian rupiah exchange rate is used in relation to other currencies. With the latest rate Indonesian rupiah euros you are assured of the most up-to-date information.
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Wiki
For the Indonesian rupiah euro conversion, the most recent Indonesian rupiah exchange rate is used in relation to other currencies. With the latest rate Indonesian rupiah euros you are assured of the most up-to-date information.