Exchange rate Croation Kuna EUR/HRK
- Last quote7,5373
- Last quote (time)18:17
- Difference0,0001
- Difference %0,00%
- Open7,5372
- Close (previous trading day)7,5372
- Day High (delayed)7,5374
- Day Low (delayed)7,5345
- Year High7,7512
- Year Low 7,5345
Historical exchange rate Croation Kuna (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 22-02-20257,537226
- 21-02-20257,537226
- 20-02-20257,532616
- 19-02-20257,533610
- 18-02-20257,534329
- 17-02-20257,535165
- 16-02-20257,578340
Croation Kuna (HRK) exchange rate
1 HRK = Units | 1 Unit = HRK | |
US Dollar | 0,1388 | 7,2026 |
British Pound | 0,1099 | 9,0972 |
Euro | 0,1327 | 7,5373 |
Japanese Yen | 20,7269 | 0,0482 |
Swiss Franc | 0,1247 | 8,0208 |
About the Croation Kuna (HRK)
The Croatian kuna is one of the younger coins in Europe. The Croatian kuna originated after the splitting off of Croatia from the former Yugoslavia. The rate of the Croatian kuna euro is stable. The Croatian kuna euro exchange rate has remained fairly stable even during the economic crises. However, it is recommended to use the calculator to convert the Croatian kuna euro rate. This way you can be sure of the correct rate and the value of the Croatian kuna.
Croatian kuna euro rate
The rate of the Croatian kuna euro has been stable for some time. The Croatian kuna euro exchange rate fluctuates a little at times, which is why it can pay to consult the calculator on the exchange rate for large amounts. As mentioned, the value of Croatian kuna is linked to the value of the euro, because many neighboring countries use the euro.
Croaton Kuna (HRK) Wiki
The Croatian kuna has been in use since 1994, it is the official currency of Croatia. The kuna has succeeded the Yugoslav Dinar. The coin fell into disuse when the former Yugoslavia was torn apart by the civil war. The Croatian kuna euro exchange rate has been fairly stable since its introduction. The Croatian kuna naturally leans heavily on the rate of the euro. When the euro falls, the value of Croatian kuna also falls. The position of the euro influences the kuna. The currency often fluctuates with the daily exchange rate of the euro.