EUR/GHS -0,37%

Exchange rate Ghanaian Cedi EUR/GHS

  • Last quote15,2712
  • Last quote (time)17:39
  • Difference-0,0571
  • Difference %-0,37%
  • Open15,3283
  • Close (previous trading day)15,3283
  • Day High (delayed)15,3283
  • Day Low (delayed)15,2712
  • Year High17,9274
  • Year Low 15,2712

Historical exchange rate Ghanaian Cedi (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 20-12-202415,328308
  • 19-12-202415,238258
  • 18-12-202415,214463
  • 17-12-202415,426448
  • 16-12-202415,449132
  • 15-12-202415,422017
  • 14-12-202415,414963

Ghanaian Cedi (GHS) exchange rate

1 GHS = Units 1 Unit = GHS
US Dollar 0,0683 14,6413
British Pound 0,0544 18,3990
Euro 0,0655 15,2712
Japanese Yen 10,6853 0,0936
Swiss Franc 0,0611 16,3794

Ghanaian Cedi

The economy of Ghana is not the most flourishing in central Africa. The Ghanaian cedi has been revalued three times in 50 years. 1 cedi consists of one hundred peswana, but it is no longer used due to towering inflation. As of July 1, 2007, the cedi has been revalued. The price Ghanaian cedi to new Ghanaian cedi was 10,000: 1.

Convert Ghanaian cedi to euro

The conversion of Ghanaian cedi to The euro is difficult to get into banks in Europe because inflation is far from being accepted everywhere. If you enter the value Ghanaian cedi in the Calculator on, then with the last exchange rate Ghanaian cedi you convert the value into a currency of your choice. The use of the calculator on is of course free of charge, but do not forget that a bank may charge costs on the exchange.

Did you know

The Ghanaian cedi is the official currency of Ghana. The abbreviation of the currency in international payment traffic is GHS. The Cedi has been introduced three times. In 1965 the first Cedi was issued which replaced the pound. The course Ghanaian cedi pound was 2.4: 1. The first cedi was replaced by the second cedi and in 2007 by the third cedi. The exchange rate Ghanaian cedi at the last revaluation was 1: 10,000 the reason for the revaluation was the inflation of the cedi. The Ghana central bank is responsible for keeping Ghana's cedi on course.