EUR/DOP 0,00%

Exchange rate Dominican Peso EUR/DOP

  • Last quote65,2348
  • Last quote (time)18:03
  • Difference0,0005
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open65,2343
  • Close (previous trading day)65,2343
  • Day High (delayed)65,2348
  • Day Low (delayed)65,1651
  • Year High67,5653
  • Year Low 65,1651

Historical exchange rate Dominican Peso (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-202565,234294
  • 21-02-202565,272889
  • 20-02-202565,498719
  • 19-02-202564,970847
  • 18-02-202565,037652
  • 17-02-202565,078964
  • 16-02-202565,010759

Dominican Peso (DOP) exchange rate

1 DOP = Units 1 Unit = DOP
US Dollar 0,0160 62,3381
British Pound 0,0127 78,7362
Euro 0,0153 65,2348
Japanese Yen 2,3939 0,4177
Swiss Franc 0,0144 69,4200

Dominican Peso

The Dominican Republic is the second economy of Central America. The country has a relatively high standard of living. The country is mainly dependent on natural resources and government support. The most important sector of the country is agriculture, followed by mining. There is a chronic energy problem that causes the power to fail more than once. Tourism is on the rise. In most tourist places, the US dollar and the euro are accepted as payment.

Convert Dominican peso to euro

For the calculation of Dominican peso to euro must be used made from the last price Dominican peso euro. In the exchange rate overview you can find the exchange rate Dominican peso and you can choose against which currency you want to convert it. For a quick conversion of Dominican peso euro you use the exchange rate calculator.

Did you know

The Dominican peso is the currency of the Dominican Republic. In the international payment system, the currency is indicated by the letter DOP. Coins that are now used are 1, 5, 10 and 25 pesos. 1 peso is 100 centavo. Banknotes are available as 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 pesos. In 1947/1948 the currency replaced the US dollar with a ratio of 5 to 1. Meanwhile, the value of Dominican peso has been greatly reduced by inflation. The Dominican peso rate is variable.