Exchange rate Chinese Yuan EUR/CNY
- Last quote7,8265
- Last quote (time)03:35
- Difference-0,0007
- Difference %-0,01%
- Open7,8271
- Close (previous trading day)7,8271
- Day High (delayed)7,8285
- Day Low (delayed)7,8180
- Year High7,9833
- Year Low 7,8180
Historical exchange rate Chinese Yuan (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 05-03-20257,827140
- 04-03-20257,719916
- 03-03-20257,638058
- 02-03-20257,584840
- 01-03-20257,559339
- 28-02-20257,559339
Chinese Yuan (CNY) exchange rate
1 CNY = Units | 1 Unit = CNY | |
US Dollar | 0,1379 | 7,2511 |
British Pound | 0,1070 | 9,3418 |
Euro | 0,1278 | 7,8265 |
Japanese Yen | 20,3719 | 0,0491 |
Swiss Franc | 0,1217 | 8,2157 |
Chinese Yuan
The China yuan rate is linked to the dollar. However, the exchange rate for China yuan euros is variable. The China yuan exchange rate is kept artificially low, critics say. This is to give China a better trade position as an exporting country. According to others, it does not make much difference to the European and American economy because the place of China can easily be taken over by other Asian countries and trade would move there.
Converting China Yuan to euro
To change the China yuan to euro you can use the calculator with the most recent China yuan exchange rate. The China yuan value can also be expressed in other currencies in the exchange rate calculator. Select the desired foreign currency yourself. The official abbreviation of the China yuan is CNY.
Chinese Yuan Wiki
The China Yuan, also called Renimbi, is the currency of China. A yuan consists of ten jiao. A jiau is then worth ten fen. A fen is worth almost nothing and is therefore hardly ever used in China. There are coins of 5 fen, 1, 2 and 5 jiao and 1 yuan. Notes occur as 1, 2 and 5 jiao and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 yuan. There are also gold coins in the following quantities: 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 450, 500, and 1,000 yuan. For a long time, the China-yuan euro ratio was roughly ten to one. However, due to economic growth, the rate changes daily.