EUR/CAD = 0,00%

Exchange rate Canadian Dollar EUR/CAD

  • Last quote1,4897
  • Last quote (time)13:20
  • Difference0,0000
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open1,4897
  • Close (previous trading day)1,4897
  • Day High (delayed)1,4897
  • Day Low (delayed)1,4876
  • Year High1,5481
  • Year Low 1,4876

Historical exchange rate Canadian Dollar (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-20251,489686
  • 21-02-20251,489791
  • 20-02-20251,488768
  • 19-02-20251,483974
  • 18-02-20251,482548
  • 17-02-20251,487425
  • 16-02-20251,487830

Canadian Dollar (CAD) exchange rate

1 CAD = Units 1 Unit = CAD
US Dollar 0,7025 1,4236
British Pound 0,5562 1,7980
Euro 0,6713 1,4897
Japanese Yen 104,8329 0,0095
Swiss Franc 0,6308 1,5853

Canadian Dollar

The Canadian dollar lost much of its value in the 1990s. The low point was reached in 2002 when the Canadian dollar was only worth 62 US dollars cents. After that, the currency rose again, partly due to rising oil prices. The United States is Canada's most important trading partner. More than half of Canadian imports and exports are traded with the United States.

Canadian dollar to euro rate

Because the Canadian dollar is closely related to the US dollar, it is important to take the latter into account when converting the Canadian dollar into euro. The most actual Canadian dollar euro rate is used to calculate the Canadian dollar to euro.

Canadian dollar Wiki

The Canadian dollar is the currency of Canada. The official abbreviation is CAD. There are notes of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars. The coin money is available in the values ​​1, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents and 1 and 2 dollars. 1 dollar is 100 cents. The Canadian dollar exchange rate is highly dependent on the US dollar and has also been linked to this several times during distribution.