EUR/BSD = 0,00%

Exchange rate Bahamian Dollar EUR/BSD

  • Last quote1,0468
  • Last quote (time)17:49
  • Difference0,0000
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open1,0468
  • Close (previous trading day)1,0468
  • Day High (delayed)1,0468
  • Day Low (delayed)1,0461
  • Year High1,1212
  • Year Low 1,0461

Historical exchange rate Bahamian Dollar (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 22-02-20251,046808
  • 21-02-20251,046943
  • 20-02-20251,049796
  • 19-02-20251,041601
  • 18-02-20251,045604
  • 17-02-20251,048506
  • 16-02-20251,045847

Bahamian Dollar (BSD) exchange rate

1 BSD = Units 1 Unit = BSD
US Dollar 0,9997 1,0003
British Pound 0,7915 1,2635
Euro 0,9553 1,0468
Japanese Yen 149,1852 0,0067
Swiss Franc 0,8977 1,1140

Bahamian Dollar

The Bahamas are an ancient colony of England, when the American War of Independence erupted, a mass immigration of British came to the Bahamas. The population was then doubled again when slavery was banned in 1834. The Bahamas gained independence in 1973 but remained part of the British Commonwealth. Since 1950 the economy of the Bahamas is very prosperous and shows strong growth over the years.

Convert Bahamian dollar to euro

Convert the Bahamian dollar to euro can easily and free via the calculator on This tool recalculates the amount with the last exchange rate of the Bahamian dollar. By updating the latest Bahamian dollar exchange rate every day, you are assured of the correct value of the Bahamian dollar.

Did you know

The Bahamian dollar is the national currency of the archipelago of the Bahamas. The dollar has only existed since 1966. The Bahamian dollar is linked to the US dollar, the Bahamian dollar exchange rate also follows the US dollar exchange rate. The international abbreviation for the Bahamian dollar in the payment system is BSD. The Bahamian dollar has coins of 1, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 cents and 1 dollar. The banknotes come in half a dollar, 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 50 and 100 dollars. The appearance of the Bahamian dollar has often been adjusted over the past few years to prevent counterfeiting.