Exchange rate Aruban Florin EUR/AWG
- Last quote1,8836
- Last quote (time)18:15
- Difference0,0000
- Difference %0,00%
- Open1,8836
- Close (previous trading day)1,8836
- Day High (delayed)1,8836
- Day Low (delayed)1,8725
- Year High2,0174
- Year Low 1,8725
Historical exchange rate Aruban Florin (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 22-02-20251,883625
- 21-02-20251,883625
- 20-02-20251,892657
- 19-02-20251,875665
- 18-02-20251,883215
- 17-02-20251,887193
- 16-02-20251,888010
Aruban Florin (AWG) exchange rate
1 AWG = Units | 1 Unit = AWG | |
US Dollar | 0,5556 | 1,8000 |
British Pound | 0,4399 | 2,2735 |
Euro | 0,5309 | 1,8836 |
Japanese Yen | 82,9375 | 0,0121 |
Swiss Franc | 0,4989 | 2,0045 |
Aruban Florin
The economy of Aruba is doing relatively well compared to the rest of the Caribbean. The country has low unemployment. Until the mid-1980s, oil was the main source of income for the country. Since then the country has focused on tourism for its income. More than one million people visit Aruba annually, most of whom come from the United States. The exchange rate Aruban florin partly depends on the exchange rate US dollar because the currency is fixed to it.
Convert Aruban florin to euro
For quick conversion of Aruban florin to euro you use the exchange rate calculator. This automatically applies the current exchange rate Aruban florin euro. The Aruban florin euro ratio can also be found in the currency exchange rate overview. The value of Aruban florins in relation to other currencies can also be calculated using the calculator.
Did you know
The Aruban florin is the currency of Aruba. The currency is also called Aruban florin. In the international payment system, the currency is indicated by the letters AWG. Coins that are used are 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents and 1 and 5 florin. Here, one florin is one hundred cents. Tickets are available in the denominations 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 florin. The exchange rate Aruban florins has been linked to the US dollar since the introduction of the currency in 1986. The US dollar ratio to the Aruban florin is 1.79000 to 1.